Crimped Type Hose

Most of the hoses currently used in the top categories such as Super GT and Super Formula are of the type called "crimp type".
The hose and hose end are assembled by crimping with a special machine.
After assembling, we will ship after pressure inspection, so there will be no oil leaks due to work mistakes.
It also has advantages in terms of weight and space compared to those assembled with screws.
- オーダー方法 How to Order
- 以下、担当者と打ち合わせ後、お見積りさせて頂きます。
詳しくは 『お問い合わせ』 から宜しくお願いいたします。
Below, we will quote after meeting with the person in charge.
・ Type of hose (operating pressure)
・ Hose length
・ Type of hose end (angle, swivel type)
・ Hose end phase
・ Specification and position of heat sleeve
It is also possible to send a sample hose and make an equivalent product.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.